An open-source search engine for open-source code in the climate field

This is a proof-of-concept for a search engine for open-source code in the energy and climate sector.

To the best knowledge of the maintainer, this project is currently unique because it combines the following aspects:

Contribution and feedback

The project is open-source and welcomes contributions, you can check its Github here, provide quick feedback here, or get in touch with the maintainer here.

The project is currently still a proof-of-concept, with a very rudimentary underlying search engine and basic visual styling (as you could obviously notice).

Indexing and scraping methodology

The indexing and scraping methodology is fully transparent on the code repository. It is nevertheless worth knowing that:

With contributions from manually curated listings: (2205 entries), CUTR-at-USF/awesome-transit (268 entries), softwareunderground/awesome-open-geoscience (98 entries), wenhwu/awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection (96 entries), raoulcollenteur/Python-Hydrology-Tools (88 entries), github/GreenSoftwareDirectory (74 entries), IndEcol/Dashboard (67 entries), awesome-cryosphere/cryosphere-links (64 entries), Agri-Hub/Callisto-Dataset-Collection (60 entries), ESIPFed/Awesome-Earth-Artificial-Intelligence (56 entries), brycejohnston/awesome-agriculture (51 entries), APA-Technology-Division/urban-and-regional-planning-resources (49 entries), chrisleaman/awesome-coastal (37 entries), Green-Software-Foundation/awesome-green-software (33 entries), kr-stn/awesome-sentinel (30 entries), samuelrince/awesome-green-ai (27 entries), IrishMarineInstitute/awesome-erddap (19 entries), blutjens/awesome-forests (15 entries), resource-watch/resource-watch (14 entries), r-spatial/rgee (13 entries), awesome-spectral-indices/awesome-spectral-indices (10 entries), pangeo-data/awesome-open-climate-science (10 entries), opengeos/geospatial-data-catalogs (9 entries), opengeos/leafmap (8 entries), KKulma/climate-change-data (8 entries), alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book (6 entries), r-earthengine/ee_extra (6 entries), jaychempan/Awesome-LWMs (5 entries), digitalearthafrica/deafrica-sandbox-notebooks (5 entries), CS-SI/eodag (4 entries), allenai/satlas (4 entries), ECCC-MSC/msc-pygeoapi (4 entries), geco-bern/ingestr (3 entries), Pierre-VF/OpenClimateResources (3 entries), NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui (2 entries), DataONEorg/d1_python (2 entries), DataONEorg/rdataone (2 entries), philsturgeon/awesome-earth (2 entries), blaylockbk/SynopticPy (2 entries), daviddao/code-against-climate-change (2 entries), nasa/cmr-stac (2 entries), mysociety/caps (2 entries), nasa/earthdata-search (2 entries)